A collection of my favorite photos

To the wilderness in Finland 2025

Production and communication

The Print Collection

Experience premium quality prints.

A collection of my favorite photos printed on premium quality photo paper, aluminum or canvas. All prints are available for worldwide shipping. Pick your favorite photo and choose your preferred material and size.


Getting noticed on social media can be challenging. It’s easy to say a lot, but hard to convey what truly matters. To achieve this, you need to rely on insight and hard work. That’s where I come in.

I help you create creative content that grabs attention, delivers results, and provides value to your target audience. I offer a wide range of services, ranging from individual services to complete productions.

  • Photo, video, content for social media, drone, wedding-photography, photo prints and presets.

  • Social media management, digital marketing, communication strategy and advisor, and influencer collab via @stiannorum.

  • Social media courses and lectures, make and edit reels for Instagram, Adobe Lightroom and photo tours.

Stian Norum Herlofsen

I'm a professional photographer, content creator and communication advisor with a passion for storytelling through my camera. My home is the Aurskog Høland, Norway. The camera is the most important gear and Stian spend countless hours with the camera out in the nature, and at paid jobs for brands and companies.

I’m connected with Nikon and Nikon Europe as a NikonCreator. Today I also works as a communications-advisor and content creator.

Phototrip to Finland🇫🇮🐻

With big bears and their fluffy, little cubs.

A phototrip personally hosted by Stian Norum Herlofsen & Lina Kayser at Martinselkonen in the wilderness forests of Finland. Join us on magical days and nights in the Finnish wilderness, to see and photograph bears and bear cubs.

Brands I’ve worked with

Lightroom presets

V2. Big Collection
V2. Wildlife Collection
V2. Landscape Collection